26 septiembre 2006

AP busca periodistas económicos

Si en mayo eran Reuters y Bloomberg los que demandaban periodistas económicos, ahora es Associated Press quien anuncia que contratará más de un centenar de periodistas financieros en los próximos 18 meses. Y lo ha dicho Tom Curley, presidente de la compañía, en una conferencia impartida en la Columbia University. Así lo recoge en su blog Bryan Corliss, uno de los asistentes:

Let me clarify. AP has jobs for business writers. LOTS of them.

The hiring is part of AP's new strategic direction. It's making a big push into personal finance and business journalism, which it sees as a growth area. (With good reason -- there's a real demand for this kind of news, largely driven by the fact that so many of us have our retirement futures tied up in the fate of our 401(k)s.) Whether or not you or I or anyone we know ends up at AP (or even wants to) that kind of hiring is going to create job openings for business writers industrywide over the next year or two.

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