19 enero 2007

Bienvenidos a The Wall Street Journal 3.0

Talking Biz News publica una interesantísima entrevista con Gordon Crovitz, "publisher" de The Wall Street Journal, en la que analiza los últimos cambios de diseño que ha sufrido el diario (y que merecerán un comentario aparte):

- Our goal is to free Journal reporters to focus on “what the news means,” beyond simply “what happened yesterday.” (...) We’ve introduced new features, such as the “In Brief” feature throughout the newspaper, that will allow us to keep our readers informed about what happened the day before, but to do this in much less space than before—recognizing that our readers are increasingly already aware of the stories of the previous day.

- We did surveys, focus groups and other research to understand better how technology had changed how people consume news. What we heard from readers was that they wanted more focus on what the news means, better navigation of the print Journal and better alignment between the print and online Journal so that they understood better how to use both versions.

- We now have just under 800,000 people paying a subscription price ($99 per year or $59 per year for print subscribers) to access the Wall Street Journal Online. For some perspective, this means the online Journal has more paying subscribers than all but three newspapers in the U.S.—one of which of course is the print Journal (USA Today and the N.Y. Times are the other two). I am very concerned that many other publishers with high-quality news brands have devalued their brands by trying to charge in one medium (print) while giving away access to brands and content in another medium (online). But I understand that it’s very hard to change strategies.

Once a publisher gives away the brand and content online, it’s very hard to persuade readers that the brands and content are worth paying to access. And I also understand that to justify a subscription price, the brand and content must be highly, highly differentiated from anything else available online. WSJ.com is more different from other business sources online than, say, one general-interest news site is different from another, where so much of the news is commoditized.

- Our coverage is second to none in areas including technology, politics, economics, health and topics we call the “business of life,” such as personal finance, travel, fashion and consumer electronics. And of course our editorial page is very widely read, both by people who agree with its mission of “free people and free markets” and those who do not agree but who admire the quality of its journalism.

- As part of the relaunch of the print Journal, we also created the online Markets Data Center as a free part of WSJ.com, which includes information on more than 50,000 stocks and mutual funds, many more than could ever fit into a newspaper. In print, our readers prefer analysis of financial data, beyond pure closing prices. That said, we still report on the closing prices of some 1,500 stocks, representing 94% of the market capitalization, and still publish full listings in our weekend edition.

- It was (Barney) Kilgore who transformed the Journal starting in the early 1940s from a narrow financial newspaper serving the northeast into a national newspaper serving a national, now global, audience of business people and other professionals. He had the great inspiration that if the Journal could attract this kind of community of interest, Journal reporters and editors could focus on what the news means to this distinct set of readers, with common interests.

- We do live in an increasingly competitive world of business journalism, with new entrants from bloggers to highly specialized news services for virtually every profession. But the Journal, by far, produces more market-moving scoops than any other outlet—probably more than all other news outlets combined. Journal reporters and editors are the most skilled business journalists in the world, with strong sourcing that comes with a reputation we aim always to meet for accuracy and fairness. Many of these market-moving scoops appear first in our online real-time outlets.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Por si te interesa...
Un abrazo,
Carlos M.

Alfonso Vara Miguel dijo...

Me interesa.
Mil gracias y un abrazo.