Ten years on, the market for free online financial news is a very crowded place. No longer is it just MarketWatch, TheStreet.com and the Motley Fool. Reuters and Bloomberg are coming on strong, the Associated Press has beefed up its business coverage, and newspaper sites are getting better everyday.But there are still only a few, and perhaps no others of our size, whose primary audience is on the Web and who do news themselves, in all forms, from print to video to audio.More will come. As newspapers shrink their staffs, and get better online, the news organizations of the next five or 10 years will increasingly take this format. It will be looked back upon as a period of transition, but also of enormous opportunity for journalists capable of change, especially in financial news.The great thing about covering the financial markets is that trading is always going on somewhere. And where prices are moving, there are stories to tell.
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