Todo el análisis, aquí."The FT's news desk is the newsroom's central feature, a hub minus the Telegraph's spokes, where website news editor sits next to print news editor. They talk in what is clearly an amiable fashion about how to treat each story - there is no territorial demarcation. It is a single decision-making structure".
"In the past 18 months it has become a matter of routine for FT reporters to file stories that will go up on the website as soon as practicable. Everyone has come to realise, in the words of the editor James Montgomery, that fact-based scoops appearing first in newsprint evaporate within seconds of their inky appearance".
"The FT's editor, Lionel Barber, attributes the smooth transition to integration to the group's evolutionary approach, based on research and forward planning. "We've been talking the language of integration here for eight years," he says. "We have carried out the process that took us to complete integration calmly and slowly".
"Ien Cheng,'s publisher and managing editor, is particularly conscious of another key element to building and retaining an audience, the interactivity between journalist and reader".
"The other important symbol of integration at the FT is its ability to provide news around the clock. The paper has an advantage in having news operations in New York and Hong Kong that have long assumed control over the paper in the hours when London is asleep. Now, with the ability to get material on screen, from any of the three centres, 24/7 news coverage is a reality".
Apuntes, comentarios, noticias y ocurrencias relacionadas con el periodismo económico, escrito desde el Seminario ICJCE de Periodismo Económico de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra.
02 febrero 2008
El Financial Times, ejemplo de integración de redacciones
Roy Greenslade, de The Guardian, explica las razones por las que considera ejemplar la integración de redacciones llevada a cabo por Financial Times:
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En una de las visitas que menciona Greenslade, se explicaba que, a manera de integrar versión impresa con online, el periodista debía actualizar varias veces al día la historia en el sitio web, y luego hacer una nota más extensa y analítica para el papel.
¿Pero en qué momento el periodista sale a la calle a buscar las noticias?
No queda claro cómo los periodistas podrán hacer todo. ¿no?
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