Por otro lado, esta semana se anunciaba el nombramiento de Tina Gaudoin como directora de la nueva revista de estilo de vida del Journal, que se estrenará a principios de septiembre. [Más, aquí].But in recent years, seeking more ads aimed at consumers rather than businesses, it has greatly expanded its lifestyle and consumer reporting, adding ’softer’ sections like Personal Journal and Weekend Journal, and a Saturday newspaper.
“People at the paper who have been briefed on the plan say it is almost certain that a sports page, possibly tucked into Personal Journal, will be created in the next few months. But they cautioned that it was not yet clear how often the page would appear or what kinds of articles it would contain. [Más, aqui]
Y para terminar, el lanzamiento de un nuevo blog sobre medio ambiente, Environmental Capital, centrado en cómo los empresarios e inversores hacen frente a un nuevo panorama energético caracterizado por la creciente preocupación medioambiental.
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