30 abril 2008

Nuevo código ético de Thomson Reuters

Si tienen tiempo, no dejen de echar un vistazo al nuevo código ético establecido para los empleados de la recién fusionada Thomson Reuters. Tom Glocer, nuevo consejero delegado de la compañía, señala el punto de partida del nuevo texto:
The integrity of Thomson Reuters directly reflects the integrity of each person who works here. I have great faith in our people. But we operate in an increasingly complex global environment where it’s not always obvious how to comply with the many different laws, rules and standards of conduct that apply to us in all the countries where we do business. As our reputation is critical to our success, Thomson Reuters will maintain the highest ethical standards in our relationships with customers, suppliers, each other and the communities in which we do business.
El código incluye una serie de recomendaciones sobre cuestiones como la protección y salvaguarda de los activos (tangibles o intangibles) de la compañía; el correcto uso de internet y del correo electrónico; la necesidad de evitar cualquier tipo de conflicto de interés - incluye aquí la prohibición de aceptar regalos -; o ejercer la prudencia a la hora de colaborar con otras empresas. Sin embargo, el código presta especial atención a la protección de la información confidencial y dedica espacio y ejemplos al uso de los blogs:
"It’s OK to mention Thomson Reuters in a personal blog. However, if you maintain a personal blog, it should not contain or discuss any confidential or nonpublic information about Thomson Reuters, our customers or other people or companies that we do business with. You should not cite or reference customers, employees or business associates without their approval. If your blog mentions Thomson Reuters, it should be clear that any opinions that you express are your own, and not those of Thomson Reuters."

"You should not post any information about Thomson Reuters or our businesses, including comments about our products, stock performance, operational strategies, financial results, customers or competitors, even in response to a false statement or question. Refer these matters to your Communications department so we can appropriately investigate or address the issue. "
Lo dicho. Una excelente lectura que puede ayudar a calibrar el grado de ética personal de cada uno.

Vía EditorsWeblog

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