28 junio 2008

Los trabajadores silenciados

Un estudio del Center for American Progress concluye que la información económica en los EE.UU. está sesgada y dista mucho de ser equilibrada, prestando mucha más atención a la opinión de los empresarios frente a la de los trabajadores o sindicatos:
  • Overall, representatives of business were quoted or cited nearly two-and-a-half times – as frequently as were workers or their union representatives.
  • In coverage of both the minimum wage and trade, the views of businesses were – sourced more than one-and-a-half times as frequently as those of workers.
  • In coverage about employment, businesses were quoted or cited over six times as frequently as were workers.
  • On only one issue that we examined, – credit card debt, was coverage more balanced, presenting the perspectives of ordinary citizens in the same proportion as those of business.”
Todo el informe, aquí.

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