As one with a background in both finance and journalism, and someone who has been active in the blogosphere, what do you think about the future direction of financial news information and research?
Justin: It’s one area where there clearly continues to be a market for the traditional content. So in that sense, I’m not as worried about it as I am about Metropolitan daily newspapers and whatever will fill their role. I do miss those old Wall Street Journal front page stories that went on and on and on.
But in general there are lots of positive developments too, especially in economics. There’s such a rich economic blogosphere, and if you want to take the time to learn, it’s so easy to inform yourself. Obviously lots of people don’t want to do that and they just want to find somebody who caters to their prejudices. But I feel like, as a consumer of financial and economic information, I’m generally better served now than I was by the media of five, ten or twenty years ago.
Justin Fox, editorial director de Harvard Business Review Group y autor de The Myth of the Rational Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street, entrevistado por Elliot Turner en Wall St. Cheat Sheet.
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