04 abril 2006

¿Escribimos para las fuentes o para los lectores?

Lo dice Allan Wolper (Editor and Publisher), en su columna 'Speaking' Through Their Mouthpieces:
Press secretaries are becoming increasingly protective of their bosses, and reporters are actually part of the problem.
Since the advent of televised news conferences, press secretaries have been providing cover for journalists who covet access to power at the expense of their readers. These journalists go to the press briefings and shout at the press secretaries, rather than doing some actual reporting to find out what's really going on in their government.

Me temo que basta darse un paseo por cualquier rueda de prensa para comprobar que los periodistas económicos no están inmunes frente a la creciente capacidad de influencia de los gabinetes de comunicación. ¿O no?

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