17 marzo 2008

Cómo informar de una OPV

Al hilo de la oferta pública de venta de acciones (OPV) puesta en marcha por VISA, Jonathan Higuera recomienda en BusinessJournalism.org algunos trucos que cualquier periodista económico debería tener en cuenta a la hora de cubrir una OPV:
1. Not every investor can participate. Shares are usually reserved for only the best customers of the bank underwriting the issue and, of course, company insiders such as the management team and employees. Underwriters also get to buy in, usually at a discounted price. Many readers get excited about the prospect of an IPO for a company they are bullish on but most will never get in at the opening price.

2. Know the difference between the “opening price” and the “offering price.” The opening price is the price the stock will start trading at on the open market. The offering price is what the underwriters and company insiders will pay for the stock.


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