14 abril 2008

¿Dónde está mi sección de Economía?

Un mismo problema, dos comentarios: Louis Hau (Forbes) y Elinore Longobardi (Columbia Journalism Review) analizan los recientes recortes que muchos diarios de información general están aplicando a las secciones de Finanzas o Economía:

Louis Hau:

“But it’s probably the least worst option for newspapers facing severe cost-cutting pressures, says Todd Brownrout, a former advertising executive at The Los Angeles Times and other newspapers, who is now chief marketing officer of 2AdPro, a provider of outsourced advertising design and management services.

“Brownrout estimates a typical newspaper generates about 35% of its advertising revenue from classified ads and about 15% to 20% from inserts. The main A-section of the paper generates most of the rest, perhaps about two-thirds, while features, business and sports sections account for the remainder.

“Rivals are taking advantage. Weekly business newspapers in Los Angeles, Denver, Phoenix and Dallas have notched modest circulation gains during the last two years even as the daily newspapers in those same markets have lost readers, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations.”

Elinore Longobardi:
“That’s too bad, because who else but local business reporters and editors are going to report on the ups and downs of the local economies and the goings-on of the small-to-medium-sized businesses that have huge impacts on individual communities but never grace the pages of The Wall Street Journal?

In some cases, local business weeklies have sprung up to fill a void, but those too often have the interests of business in mind, not those of the community at large. That’s a role general-interest publications have typically had to fill".
Los artículos, aquí y aquí.

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