07 junio 2008

Business Week: hay que centrarse en el público, no en el producto

Chris Roush entrevista en Talking Biz News a John Byrne, director ejecutivo de la revista BusinessWeek y máximo responsable editorial de BusinessWeek.com:
I profoundly love this profession. I believe in journalism’s most basic values—to inform and enlighten with integrity, to bring intelligent analysis to a complex world, to capture the great drama that business truly is, to teach, help and inspire people, and—let’s face it—to attempt to reform what’s not right with the world. I don’t believe there is a more creative place or a place more suited to accomplish all those goals than digital. You have so many ways to be a storyteller online. That’s why I think of the web as not just another medium, but rather a new utility, like electricity. It’s print, radio, and television all in one, except better and much more than all of them together. One of my largest frustrations as a magazine journalist had been the inability to really follow a story.


Beyond the journalism, however, are the big strategic issues. Our strategy is simple: 1) dramatically scale the site so that far more business professionals in the world experience what we do, and 2) become the business/financial player with the deepest and most meaningful reader engagement. Scale is obvious. Everyone wants to increase traffic. No big surprise there. Last year we hit new records in unique visitors, page views, and visits. In the first quarter of this year, we’re up 23 percent in uniques and page views and 25 percent in visits.


By and large, journalists and editors are product-centric. They think this business is still all about stories as products. They pour a lot of energy and intelligence in those stories to get them to be as good as possible. But truth is, they rarely think of the reader in shaping those stories. We need to move from a product-centric view of the world to an audience-centric mindset.

Toda la entrevista, aquí.

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