:: Los nuevos dueños de Prisa:
Prisa ha tenido que negociar a la baja, al valorar Santillana en 980 millones, frente a los 1.400 millones de valoración del consenso de analistas, y en 450 millones Media Capital, casi la mitad de lo que pagó por el grupo en 2008. (...) En esta última empresa, dará entrada a un socio ajeno a su círculo habitual. Ongoing, el grupo empresarial de la familia portuguesa Rocha Dos Santos, es propietario del rotativo luso Diario Económico y posee el 23% del canal televisivo SIC, competidor de TVI, la cadena propiedad de Media Capital. Ongoing, que nació en la década de los setenta como un fabricante de jabón, es también accionista de Portugal Telecom.:: Alianza entre El Economista (México) y El País:
Sin importar el tiempo que reste para el final de su suscripción vigente, quienes reciben la edición impresa de El Economista tendrán a partir de hoy, por el costo que ya han pagado, el ejemplar del día del reconocido diario global en español.:: Running The Numbers On Charging For News Online:
Sites that charge for all of their content consistently lose “millions” during the first three years if they institute the pay wall; a hybrid site, by contrast, can become profitable before then, since additional advertising revenue more than makes up for any loss in subscription revenue.:: Washington Post, Bloomberg Team Up For New Syndication Service:
“Each of these steps will benefit The Post’s newsroom. The new, dual-branded business news page, which readers will find when they click on the “Business” tab of our home page, will continue to showcase our business and economic stories. It also will display the latest corporate, market and other global business news from Bloomberg, giving readers a much more comprehensive package than we do today" (Marcus Brauchli):: The new rules of news:
You may have noticed – you could hardly miss it – the blizzard of anniversary stories last month about the fall of Lehman Brothers, an event that helped spark last year's financial meltdown. The coverage reminded me that journalists failed to do their jobs before last year's crisis emerged, and have continued to fail since then.:: Study Says Reporting on Economy Was Narrow:
A study by the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism says financial news coverage largely overlooked the economic troubles of ordinary people.:: FT's How To Spend It goes online:
"How To Spend set the benchmark for luxury lifestyle magazines 15 years ago and now we want to establish the brand as the benchmark for luxury lifestyle websites too. To this end, the print and online operations are fully integrated, produced and edited by a single in-house team using the same top tier writers, photographers and illustrators. The site will feature larger-format ads to appeal to luxury advertisers.":: How to sell news on the web: A checklist:
In the business-to-business realm, you probably can charge users for exclusive information that helps them make money, avoid losing money or, ideally, both at the same time. (...) You probably can charge consumers for two things: (a) exclusive entertainment content and (b) authoritative information that helps them hang on to more of their money.
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